On March 10, 1973, the Women's National Abortion Action Coalition (WONAAC) held on International Women's Solidarity Day Meeting at Town Hall in New York City. The subject wsa the history and progress of the International Strugggle for Abortion Rights. Speakers from the United States, Canada, France, Belgium, and Britain gave a history of abortion from Aristotle to the present as well as rousing speeches condemning governmental action (or lack of it) with regard to abortion. The speakers on the first part of the program include Barbara Roberts, National Coordinator of WONAAC and a practicing abortionist; Congresswoman Bella Abzug, Ellen May, Canadian Coalition to Repeal the Abortion Law; Susan Lamont, WONAAC; and Sandra Hockman, film producer and feminist poet. Roberts also reads a message of support from suffragist Florence Luscombe. The second part of the program features Claude Servan-Schreiber, Gisele Halimi, and Michele Chevalier, French feminists and abortion rights activists; Florynce "Flo" Kennedy, lawyer, feminist activist and co-author of "Abortion rap"; Jean Toche, Belgian activist, Ad Hoc Artists' Committee for Freedom; and Maureen Blackburn, Women's Abortion and Contraceptive Campaign of Britain.
This recording has been digitally preserved as part of Pacifica's American Women Making History and Culture: 1963-1982 grant preservation project, and is available for research and reference . Please contact the archives via telephone: 818-506-1077 or email: americanwomen at pacificaradioarchives dot org for information on how to obtain a copy of this program. Thank you.
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