Democratic National Convention : New York City, 1992 / hosted by Larry Bensky, Sumori Marksman, and Tom Porter.

Program Title:
Democratic National Convention : New York City, 1992 / hosted by Larry Bensky, Sumori Marksman, and Tom Porter.
PRA Archive #: 

Reports on proceedings both at the podium and on the floor of the Democratic National Convention. Includes speeches, interviews, and actuality of the Convention.

r.1. Highlights from the first day (5 min.) ; Analysis and highlights of David Dankis speech (5 min.) ; Analysis and highlights of Barbara Boxer speech (5 min.) ; Analysis and highlights of Ann Richards speech (10 min.) ; Jerry Brown, Jesse Jackson, and the schedule of speakers for day two / hosts (5 min.) ; Labor and Clinton / reported by Paul DiRienzo (10 min.) ; The Change Game / music by Janis Lieber (5 min.) ; Comedy pitch / Mel Sharp (5 min.) ; Editor of Tikkun magazine / Michael Lemer ; interviewed by Larry Bensky (10 min.) -- r.2. Brief news headlines (5 min.) ; Analysis and highlights of Bill Bradley speech (10 min.) ; Report on homeless demonstrations / Jose Santiago (10 min.) ; AIDS demonstration discussion (5 min.) ; Women of color as candidates / reported by Lauren Komito (2 min.) ; New York's Senatorial race / reported by Laura Seidel (5 min.) ; Campaign for New Priorities / Director Page Gardner ; interviewed by Larry Benksy (8 min.) ; Jerry Brown's platform / reported by Julie Cohen (10 min.) ; City Sun editor discusses media coverage / Utuee Lee ; interviewed by Larry Bensky (5 min.).

Date Recorded on: 
New York City, 1992.
Date Broadcast on: 
Item duration: 
2 reels (120 min.) : 7 1/2 ips., mono.
Los Angeles : Pacifica Radio Archive, 1992.
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