News analysis and three interviews which examine the Muslims in Yugoslavia, the role of William Barr in Bush's judicial selections, and an analysis of Vice President Dan Quayle.|BOSNIAN MUSLIMS, ATTORNEY GENERAL WILLIAM BAR, AND DAN QUAYLE / Ali Besuki, Frank Snepp, and Joe Queenin| interviewed by Ian Masters| news analysis by Edmond Haddad. - SERIES: Background briefing| no. 60 - News analysis and three interviews which examine the Muslims in Yugoslavia, the role of William Barr in Bush's judicial selections, and an analysis of Vice President Dan Quayle. CONTENT: pt.1. News analysis / Edmond Haddad (5 min.) -- pt.2. Who are the Bosniam Muslims? / Ali Besuki (10 min.) -- pt.3. The role of Attorney General William Barr in Bush's choice of judges / Frank Snepp (20 min.) -- pt.4. The Imperial Caddy : the Rise and Fall of Everything Else / by Joe Queenin (25 min.) -- pt.5. What is Ross Perot up to? / commentary by Edmond Haddad (5 min.). BROADCAST: KPFK, 25 Oct. 1992.
pt.1. News analysis / Edmond Haddad (5 min.) -- pt.2. Who are the Bosniam Muslims? / Ali Besuki (10 min.) -- pt.3. The role of Attorney General William Barr in Bush's choice of judges / Frank Snepp (20 min.) -- pt.4. The Imperial Caddy : the Rise and Fall of Everything Else / by Joe Queenin (25 min.) -- pt.5. What is Ross Perot up to? / commentary by Edmond Haddad (5 min.).