Talk on the relationship between the United States policy of national security and the Persian Gulf crisis. He examines the reborn peace movement; the origins of the term "New World Order," in Nazi Germany, and how those views have come to dominate U.S. foreign policy toward the Third World; how changes in Eastern Europe took U.S. diplomates by suprise, creating the need for a new military threat; the revival of Third World communism as the enemy of national security; the role of oil in foreign affairs; the desire to end the Vietnam syndrome; an evaluation of Saddam Hussein in an historic context; and the need for Americans to become involved in the political process again.|WHAT IS NEW ABOUT THE NEW WORLD ORDER : SAUL LANDAU. Talk on the relationship between the U.S. National Security State and the Persian Gulf crisis. He examines the reborn peace movement| the origins of the term "New World Order" in Nazi Germany, and how those views have come to dominate U.S. foreign policy toward the Third World| how changes in Eastern Europe took U.S. diplomates by suprise, creating the need for a new military threat| the revival of Third World communism as the enemy of National Security| the role of oil in foreign affairs| the desire to end the Vietnam syndrome| an evaluation of Saddam Hussein in an historic context| and the need for Americans to become involved in the political process again. RECORDED: 31 Jan. 1991.