Investigative reported Pete Brewton discusses the relationship between failed Savings and Loans, organized crime, and the CIA. His research into the role of prominent Texans quickly encountered political roadblocks, but has culminated in a book published in 1992..|WHAT CAN BE DONE? / Pete Brewton| interviewed and produced by Dennis Bernstein. SERIES: George Bush, the Mafia, and the CIA| no. 3 Investigative reported Pete Brewton discusses the relationship between failed Savings and Loans, organized crime, and the CIA. His research into the role of prominent Texans quickly encountered political roadblocks, but has culminated in a book published in 1992. CONTENT: Brewton warns that previous attempts to clean up the CIA have failed, so expect people like Mischer to buy their way into the Clinton administration. He explores the layers of protection between the Mafia, the CIA, and financial institutions, and that the media has failed to investigate the story fully. In the end, taxpayers foot the bill. The Justice Department has also failed to fully investigate these illegal activities, and the deregulation of banks will create the same crisis as with the Savings and Loans. BROADCAST: WBAI, Nov. 1992.
Brewton warns that previous attempts to clean up the CIA have failed, so expect people like Mischer to buy their way into the Clinton administration. He explores the layers of protection between the Mafia, the CIA, and financial institutions, and that the media has failed to investigate the story fully. In the end, taxpayers foot the bill. The Justice Department has also failed to fully investigate these illegal activities, and the deregulation of banks will create the same crisis as with the Savings and Loans.