Isreali Prime Minister Yitzak Shamir speaks to the World Affairs Council to explain Israel's view of bilateral talks following the madrid meetings. Shamir reiterates the importance of keeping the reigns of power over territories gained in 1967 war. He emphasizes the continuing desire to accepts many more Soviet, East European, and Ethiopian immigrants into Israel, but the strain which this will place upon Israel -- and thus why Israel need continued United States loan guarantees.|YITZAK SHAMIR ADDRESSES THE WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL / introduced by Victor Carter. - Isreali Prime Minister Yitzak Shamir speaks to the World Affairs Council to explain Israel's view of bilateral talks following the madrid meetings. Shamir reiterates the importance of keeping the reigns of power over territories gained in 1967 war. He emphasizes the continuing desire to accepts many more Soviet, East European, and Ethiopian immigrants into Israel, but the strain which this will place upon Israel--and thus why Israel need continued United States loan guarantees. - RECORDED: Los Angeles, 18 Nov. 1991. BROADCAST: KPFK, 21 Nov. 1991.