This recording contains of excerpts (not complete) of the panel "Government Surveillance and the Control of Women" at the Fifth Berkshire Conference on the History of Women. The conference was held ca. June 16-18, 1981 at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY. Speakers and talks were the following: Blanche Wiesen Cook of John Jay College on "The Repression and Resistance of Women in America--From the FBI to the Moral Majority", Amy Swerdlow of Sarah Lawrence College on "Women Strike for Peace Confronts HUAC: Ladies' Day at the Capitol" (only 2 minutes of her speech), and Bettina Aptheker of U.C. Santa Cruz on "The Surveillance and Imprisonment of Women Activists in the Sixties" (only 5 minutes of her speech). After Aptheker excerpt is an excerpt from Q&A, then a return to Aptheker's speech (2 minutes). Tape two contains more of Swerdlow's speech. The panel was chaired by Sandi Cooper, president of the conference. These tapes are likely the outtakes from a complete program that is not in Pacifica's collection.
This recording has been digitally preserved as part of Pacifica's American Women Making History and Culture: 1963-1982 grant preservation project, and is available for research and reference . Please contact the archives via telephone: 818-506-1077 or email: americanwomen at pacificaradioarchives dot org for information on how to obtain a copy of this program. Thank you.
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