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From the Vault 373: A Salute to Ella Baker

Episode Title:
From the Vault 373: A Salute to Ella Baker
PRA Archive #: 

This week on From the Vault we salute one of the great understated contributors of the Civil Rights Movement, Ella Baker. In 1968, several important Civil Rights leaders and activists decided to honor this tireless activist, and the resulting recording, A Salute to Ella Baker, became an instant Pacifica classic. It includes the voices of C.O.R.E. National Director Floyd Bixler McKissick; Anne Braden, a white woman from Kentucky whose work in the Civil Rights Movement resulted in her getting blacklisted from local employment; Black Power heavy-hitters Stokely Charmichael and H. Rap Brown; Karen Molloy, wife imprisoned draft resister Joe Malloy; and professor, author, and friend Howard Zinn.

From the Vault is presented through the Pacifica Radio Archives Preservation and Access Project, funded in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, past grants from the Grammy Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the American Archive funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, along with the generous support of Pacifica Radio Listeners.

Rights Summary: 
RESTRICTED. Permissions, licensing requests, Curriculum Initiative, Campus Campaign and all other inquiries should be directed to: Mark Torres, Archives Director, 800-735-0230,
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