From the Vault: Shakespeare\'s Romeo and Juliet 1968

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PRA Archive #: 

William Shakespeare serves as the inspiration for this week’s episode of From the Vault. In moving forward with the Pacifica Radio Archives 1968 Revolution Rewind Initiative, we searched for recordings that not only covered the events of that year like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination, The Poor People’s Campaign, and student uprisings across the country, but also recordings that exhibited the explosion of creativity that was finding its way onto community radio airwaves forty years ago. Pacifica producers dove into the classic arts headfirst - and the work of William Shakespeare became common place on radio stations like WBAI-99.5 FM in New York City. In fact, between 1966 and 1968, one prolific enthusiast named Alfred Rothschild performed on-air at least 13 readings of Shakespeare’s play

Date Recorded on: 
2008-04-04 00:00:00
Date Broadcast on: 
2008-04-04 00:00:00
Total duration (All reels): 
Los Angeles : Pacifica Radio Archive, 1975.
Rights Summary: 
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