Redefining America's Cultural Promise: Marable Manning and bell hooks at Bates College, Lewiston ME in March 1994

Program Title:
Redefining America's Cultural Promise: Marable Manning and bell hooks at Bates College, Lewiston ME in March 1994
PRA Archive #: 

bell hooks & Marable Manning "Redefining America's Cultural Promise" - recorded in March 1994 at Bates College in Lewiston, ME by Radio Free Maine. bell hooks is an African American feminist, cultural critic, and author. Marable Manning is a social critic, historian, author and political activist. At the time of this recording Dr. Marable was director of Columbia University's Institute for Research in African American Studies. hooks and Marable speak on the politics of identity in regards to race, as well as historical and political overviews in the United States.

Date Recorded on: 
March ?, 1994
Date Broadcast on: 
Item duration: 
Maine, 1994
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