Program Title:
Democracy Now! September 1, 1997
Series Title:
PRA Archive #:
Barbecues and Beef; Women, Unions and Work
(14 Minutes) Barbecues and Beef Agricultrual Secretary Dan Glickman proposed legislation that would broadly strengthen his department's powers over companies found to have produced tainted meat and poultry. GUEST: Mary Heersink, Author of BOOK: E. COLI 0157; THE TRUE STORY OF A MOTHER'S BATTLE WITH A KILLER MICROBE (36 Minutes) Women, Unions and Work Women comprise 40% of trade unions. AFL-CIO leader John Sweeney has recently created a new women's department. GUEST: Karen Nussbaum, dir. of the Working Women's Department of the AFL-CIO. GUEST: Maggie Coleman, one of the earliest equal opportunity hires into a traditional male domain.
Date Recorded on:
September 1, 1997
Date Broadcast on:
September 1, 1997
Item duration:
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WPFW; Julie Drizin, Amy Goodman; September 1, 1997
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