Senators' Opinions on Impeachment; Angola and Sierra Leonne; Iceland Enters the Gene Trade
*Senators' Opinions on Impeachment An interview with four U.S. Senators who will be deciding the fate of President Clinton: GUEST: Paul Wellstone, (D-Minn), GUEST: Tom Harkin (D-IA), Richard Lugar (R-IA), House Manager Asa Hutchinson (R-ARK). * Angola and Sierra Leone In Angola a renewed civil war has shattered the four-year-old peace accord between the government and the rebel force UNITA. Fighting continues today as U.N. Secretary General Koffi Annan tries to close down the U.N. Observer Mission in Angola known as MONUA. Rebels in Sierra Leone yesterday abducted 14 foreigners in the capital of Freetown as hope fades for a negotiated end to its brutal civil war. GUEST: Jeremy Kronan, Deputy Secretary General of the South African Communist Party and national executive member of the African National Congress. GUEST: Yao Graham, Editor for Public Agenda and Managing Editor of the African Agenda. *Iceland Enters the Gene Trade In December, Iceland became the first country to sell the rights to its population's genetic code to a biotechmology company. The highly controversial plan, which was approved into law by the parliament, will grant exclusive rights to deCODE Genetics, Inc. a company ownedby Roche Holding AG, a U.S. based pharmeceutical company. GUEST: Peter Hauksson, Chairperson of the Icelandic Mental Health Alliance a