Seeds| The Truth About Hemp| Produced by She Who Remembers| Date not known. - CONTENT: Seeds| The Truth About Hemp| Hugh Downs, hemp and history (9:53) Joni Mitchell song, "Fiddle for the Drum" (1:23) Hugh Downs, The Drug War (10:11) Jello Biafra and Black Sabbath song, "Martial Law" (1:56) Drug War News, KPFK (2:28) Earl O. Hutchinson with caller (:28) U2 song, "Seconds" (3:01) She Who Remembers song, "George Bush" (1:30) Mr. Jones and the Facists song, (2:50) Harry Shearer, Le Show (2:30) Chrissy Hynde on Rockline (1:14) Bill Mitchell, KPFK (:23) Michael Jackson with KABC caller (6:45) Dana Carvey as George Bush (:44) Elvy Musikka with Roy Tuckman (4:05) Tears for Fears song, "Sowing the Seeds of Love" (6:00) Jack Herer, author (:08) Dr. Roberta Hamilton with Roy Tuckman (3:12) Amy Sorrell song, "There is an Herb" (2:44) George Clayton Johnson, science fiction writer (2:05) Jim Ladd, Smoke a Joint (5:02) John Trudell on Bill Clinton (:35) Terrance McKenna with Yes on the history of Hemp (7:23) Vivianne Verdon-Rowe, Healing ourselves (:24) Michael Tomlinson song, "The Way We're Going" (4:23) She Who Remembers - closing (:12)|Seeds| The Truth About Hemp| Produced by She Who Remembers| Date not known. - CONTENT: Seeds| The Truth About Hemp| Hugh Downs, hemp and history (9:53) Joni Mitchell's song, "Fiddle the Drum" (1:23) Hugh Downs, The Drug War (10:11) Jello Biafra and Black Sabbath, song "Martial Law" (1:56) Drug War News from KPFK (2:28) Earl O. Hutchinson with caller (:28) U2, song,"Seconds" (3:01) She Who Remembers, "George Bush" (1:30) Mr. Jones and the Facists, "Drug War" (2:50) Harry Shearer, Le Show (2:30) Chrissy Hynde on Rockline (1:14) Bill Mitchell on KPFK (:23) Michael Jackson on KABC with caller (6:45) Dana Carvey as George Bush on Saturday Night Live (:44) Elvy Musikka with Roy Tuckman (4:05) Tears for Fears, song, "Sowing the Seeds of Love" (6:00) Jack Herer, The Emporer Wears No Clothes (:08) Dr. Roberta Hamilton with Roy Tuckman (3:12) She Who Remembersm Unitarian Church (2:25) Amy Sorrell, song, "There is an Herb" (2:44) George Clayton Johnson, science fiction writer (2:05) Jim Ladd, Smoke A Joint (5:02) John Trudell on Bill Clinton (:35) Terrence McKenna with Yes and the ancient history of hemp (7:23) Vivienne Verdon-Rowe, "Healing ourselves, healing the planet" (:24) Michael Tomlinson, song, "The Way We Are Going" (4:23) She Who Remembers Closing (:12) - Broadcast date not known, Circa. late 1980's.