This Way Out : The International Gay And Lesbian Magazine : No. 427

Program Title:
This Way Out : The International Gay And Lesbian Magazine : No. 427
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This Way Out : The International Gay And Lesbian Magazine : No. 427 : JUNE 3 / Produced by Greg Gordon and Lucia Chappelle. - On going weekly news magazine which explores contemporary gay issues as well as important past events in the gay rights movement. - CONTENT: pt.1. Newswrap| Country and US states update| Log Cabin Republicans are suing the the state Republican Party for excluding them from its annual convention| quote from Sharon Stone on how she'd rather have sex with Candace Gingrich than Newt, because "at least, she's sure of her sexuality." (10:05) -- pt.2. Lesbigay rights movement in the workplace| guests Liz Winfeld, and Susan Speilman, talk about the fast-growing area of lesbigay rights activism (8:00) -- pt.3. Interview with Sir Ian McKellan about his new film, Richard III| discussion about his enhanced popularity and political activism (8:00) - Broadcast, June 3, 1996.

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