Indigenous Voices : 12 Pilots

Program Title:
Indigenous Voices : 12 Pilots
PRA Archive #: 

Indigenous Voices : 12 Pilots / produced by Peggy Berryhill. - Series of 12 short features which offer various persepective on Native American life and cultures. - CONTENT: r.1. pt.1. Native America perspective of NAFTA / Jack Forbes and Mike Flores| pt.2. Alaskan youth discuss the future at a High School media conference| pt.3. Native American College fund PSA| pt.4. Alamo place names / Navajo station KABR| pt.5. Quill workers of North Dakota / Mandan Hidatsa (28 min.) -- r.2. pt.1. A Metis artist and author / Michael Robinson| interviewed by Lac Courtes| pt.2. Indian College fund PSA| pt.3. Old Harbor museum| pt.4. Keep it warm / produced by Lakota station KILI| pt.5. Alaskan youth PSA| pt.6. Commentary on subsistence fishing rights / John Active, KYUK| pt.7. Promise / music and poetry by Joy Harjo, Sue Williams, and John Williams (29 min.). - RECORDED: 1993.

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