The Responsibility Of Black Intellectuals In The Age Of Crack

Program Title:
The Responsibility Of Black Intellectuals In The Age Of Crack
PRA Archive #: 

The Responsibility Of Black Intellectuals In The Age Of Crack. - Panel discussion, inspired by an article by Reverend Gene Rivers which raises issues of class, race and indentity in relation to moral obligations and reposnsiblities of Black intellectuals. PANEL: Belle Hooks, Professor at Oberlin College and author of Breaking Bread| Professor Henry Lewis Gatews, Chair of Afro-American studies at Harvard University| Cornell West, Professor at Princeton University and author of Race Matters, Lyn Lowry of the Bethel A & M Church| Reverend Eugene Rivers of Dorchester| and Margaret Burnham, from MIT. - RECORDED: 30 Nov. 1992.

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