Clinical And Spiritual Aspects Of Psychotherapy : Afternoon Session

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Clinical And Spiritual Aspects Of Psychotherapy : Afternoon Session
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Clinical And Spiritual Aspects Of Psychotherapy : Afternoon Session. SERIES: Harmonia Mundi conference| no. 4 A Healing Mind psychology conference which explores the synthesis of Eastern and Western psychology through plenary sessions, lectures, panel discussions and workshops. CONTENT: Question and answer session with the panel. Issues discussed include: attachment, clinging, anger, creating ones own suffering, facing suffering with reference to the Vietnam Veterans including those who kill, those who clean up, those who manufacture weapons, effects of killing, direct and indirect killing, detachment and denial, beneficial effects of deep suffering, relationships between therapist and patient and between Buddhist teacher and student, abuse of patients, applying energy of anger and sexual desire, suffering, and development of courage. Panel is comprised of: The Dalai Lama, Daniel Brown, Stephen Levin,e Daniel Goleman, jean Shinoda-Bolen, Jack Engler, Joanna Macy, Margaret Brenman-Gibson. RECORDED: Newport Beach, 3 Oct. 1989.

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