House Hearings On Lifting Sanctions Against Cuba, March 17, 1996.

Program Title:
House Hearings On Lifting Sanctions Against Cuba, March 17, 1996.
PRA Archive #: 

HOUSE HEARINGS ON LIFTING SANCTIONS AGAINST CUBA, MARCH 17, 1996| Produced by Pacifica Foundation. - CONTENT: Reel Eight| Guitterez-Manioa, who is a Cuban exile testifies with the aid of a translator. He opposes the embargo and proposes the US change their foreign policy towards Cuba and end their isolation. Marsalino Mirharas, President of the Cuban committee for Democracy and believes solutions are feasible because the embargohas outlived its usefulness. Alisa Torres, who is on the Cuban American Committee and was brought into the US as a baby, testifies to the minimal communications with her Cuban family can be. She worked on the Cuban Democracy Act and points out the flaws, including the continuing violence and threat to violence in Miami. David Sibrion a San Antonio International Corporate Attorney testifies on behalf of his clients and potential clients, asserting the embargo has not helped anything. More discussion among the panel and Julie Drizin retintroduces herself and Saul Landeau. The two of them talk briefly about the tesimony. - Broadcast on March 17, 1996.

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