House Hearings On Lifting Sanctions Against Cuba March 17, 1996.

Program Title:
House Hearings On Lifting Sanctions Against Cuba March 17, 1996.
PRA Archive #: 

HOUSE HEARINGS ON LIFTING SANCTIONS AGAINST CUBA, MARCH 17, 1996| Produced by Pacifica Foundation. - CONTENT: Reel Seven| Andrew Zimbalist, Professor of Economics at Smith College points out the Cuban Democracy Act is in violation of GATT and hurts the children in Cuba and the US has reduced its moral standing by pushing the embargo. Congressman Rangel asks Jorge Mas Canosa about investments in countries with communist governments, China, list of 9,000 names that Canosa has circulated of human rights violations, against Canosa and his group. Rangle asks Jesse Jackson about political prisoners and Jackson relates a story of bringing to the US a number of prisoners in 1984 and talks about his recent trip to Cuba. Congresswoman Ross Layton from FL quotes from Jean Kilpatrick's presentation, calling it "Blame America First" More conversation between Jackson and Rangle. Julie Drizin introduces the next panel. - Broadcast on March 17, 1996.

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