Democracy Now : December 30 : Tribute To Yip Harburg

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Democracy Now : December 30 : Tribute To Yip Harburg
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Democracy Now : December 30 : Tribute To Yip Harburg : Produced by Julie Drizin and Amy Goodmand| hosted by Amy Goodman. - Democracy Now is a daily election year program which takes an in-depth look at the political landscape and interviews visionaries from all walks of life, including members of grassroots organiations who challenge the status quo. - "Brother, can you spare a dime?" That classic American song was written by Yip Harburg, who was blacklisted during the McCarthy Era. During his career as a screenwriter and a songwriter, Harburg used his music to express anti-racist, anti-corporate, and pro-worker messages. He's best known for the lyrics to the film, The Wizard of Oz, but also had several hits on Broadway, "Bloomer Girls" about the suffrage movement and "Finian's Rainbow" about race and class. This year marks the 100th anniversary of Harburg's birth and Democracy Now marks it with a tribute to the father, composer and social activist. - Broadcast on December 30, 1996.

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