Background Briefing : September 9 : Cia And Saddam. Sanitized Chicago Convention

Program Title:
Background Briefing : September 9 : Cia And Saddam. Sanitized Chicago Convention
PRA Archive #: 

BACKGROUND BRIEFING : SEPTEMBER 9 : CIA AND SADDAM. SANITIZED CHIACGO CONVENTION / Produced by Ian Masters. - CONTENT: pt.1. M. Fahrang, Research Professor of Politics at georgetown University talks about the CIA and their disastrous efforts to topple Saddam Hussein. pt.2. Edouardo Valle, former Deputy Attorney General of Mexico edscribes the conspiracy to kill Colosio from analysis of a new video just released that shows there were two shooters. (?) pt.3. Paul Krassner, founder of the Yippies who disrupted the 1960's Democratic convention. Krassner talks about this year's sanitized Chicago convention that treated voters as demographics and pandered to them accordingly. - BROADCAST September 9, 1996.

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