Jim Wallis : A Call For Transformation

Program Title:
Jim Wallis : A Call For Transformation
PRA Archive #: 

Jim Wallis : A Call For Transformation / Ken Brown, host/producer. - Jim Wallis speaks about the need for transformation in our country. He discusses the aftermath of the O.J. trial, the million man march, the religious right, the gang truce, and the need for a new economic strategy led by the religious community. In this 50 plus minute talk he calls for all people of faith to join together in taking the lead on developing real family values that are inclusive, not exclusive. Jim Wallis speech served as the basis (not air play) for Cambridge Forum, West program, as hosted by Ken Brown. - RECORDED: 26 Oct. 1995. The talk was given before the United Methodist Church Conference, "Urban Ministry in the Mean Time," held in Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 26-29, 1995. - BROADCAST: KPFK, Nov. 1995.

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