Esperanto In Song

Program Title:
Esperanto In Song
PRA Archive #: 

Esperanto In Song / Erwin Shore| interviewed by Mario Cassetta. - Examination of the history and music of the language created by Zamanof. Esperanto was intended as a universal language in an effort to overcome inter-language communications problems. Shore discusses the life and background of Zamanof, the destruction of Esperanto under the German occupation during World War II, and recent efforts to revive the language. Includes several musical recordings. CONTENT: r.1. Song| the idea behind Esperanto| Suppression| The First book in Esperanto| The Song Dansu, Dansu| Current adherents| The Song I Lost Freedom (57 min.) -- r.2. Song Manyo| The Red Flat| The Universal Esperanto movement| Adio Lagano Bella| The Essence of Birdness| On the latests recording in Esperanto (59 min.). - BROADCAST: KPFK, 29 Nov. 1981.

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