Wicked Words For Wild Women

Program Title:
Wicked Words For Wild Women
PRA Archive #: 

Wicked Words For Wild Women / Mary Daly. - Author of "The Church and the Second Sex," "Beyond God and Father," "Gyn/Ecology," and "Pure Lust," Daly focuses on her 1987 book "Webster's First New Intergalactic Wickedary of the English Language," which she conjured in cahoots with Jane Caputi. She says wickedary means dictionary for wicked women. The author reads from her work which looks at words and offers new meanings and definitions. The book is a process of freeing women and words from the cages and prisons of patriarchal patterns. She also discusses the meaning of radical feminism. Concludes with a question and answer session. RECORDED: University of California, Los Angeles, 25 Nov. 1987.

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