Ten part comedy series which presents an alternative story behind Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous detective series. The programs begin with Watson moving in with Holmes in 1882, and ends with his death in 1929.|REVENGE OF THE BEEKEEPER / produced by Joe Bevilacqua. - SERIES: The Mis-adventures of Sherlock Holmes| no. 10 Ten part comedy series which presents an alternative story behing Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous detective series. The progams begine with Watson moving in with Holmes in 1882, and ends with his death in 1929. - CONTENT: Someone is out to kill Holmes, or is it everyone? In this last case of the detective's life, he has his revenge on them all. CAST: Vernon Morris, Henry J. Quinn, Jan Meredith, Lemuel Sturgis, William Gillette, and Joe Bevilacqua. - BROADCAST: WBAI, 1992.
Someone is out to kill Holmes, or is it everyone? In this last case of the detective's life, he has his revenge on them all.