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KPFK (Radio station : Los Angeles, Calif.)

This may not be a complete list of all recordings associated with this subject. Search the entire catalog here.
PRA Archive #sort ascending Title Description Genre Broadcast Date
KZ1175 The Search : the LAPD at KPFK.

Actuality of the LAPD search for documents relating to the Sheraton hotel bombing; subsequent...

October 10-11, 1974.
BC2015 The search of KPFK by the Los Angeles police department

The New World Liberation Front was a radical urban guerrilla collective known for a series of...



KPFK 10 Oct. 1974; 8 Oct. 1976.
BB5392 Aircheck Los Angeles feed.

Aircheck from feed from Los Angeles, KPFK.

WBAI, 1970.
CSVKPFK (Radio station : Los Angeles, Calif.)