
Sheila Tobias speaks at the NOW conference, 1972; recorded by Lynne Robbins.

Sheila Tobias, Associate Provost of Wesleyan University, speaks on the programs for and problems with women achieving political power. Intro: The following program was recorded at the Connecticut State Conference of the National Organization for Women, held at Connecticut College in New London on August 26, 1972. This speech was recorded for WBAI by Lynne Robbins.

Fading rhythms in a fading land

Two programs that focus on American attitudes towards the Vietnam War, based on Gloria Emerson's book "Winners and losers: battles, retreats, gains, losses, and ruins from a long war" (Random House, 1976). Emerson first visited Vietnam in 1956 and returned as a NY Times correspondent in 1970, later resigning from the Times and joining the antiwar movement.

A Folk special : Jean Ritchie / interviewed by Lynn Schoenfeld.

Folk singer Jean Ritchie (1922 - ) talks about her contributions as both singer and historian of Appalachian folk music. She discusses the impact of strip mining in her native Kentucky and demonstrates some of the techniques of "mountain singing." The program includes both live and recorded performances.

A haven for the next Saul Bellow? / produced by Judith Ghinger and David Levine.

A conversation with William Smart, director of the Virginia Center for Creative Arts, and Arts Colony in Sweetbriar, Virginia, and two veterans of the Center: Edwin "Ed" Honig, poet, and Jean Zaleski, painter. Smart describes the history and role of the Virginia Center Arts Colony, and the two artists describe what it was like to be residents there. Contains music and sketches.

Rebecca Newth and Rachelle Bijou / produced by Susan Howe.

Poets Rebecca Newth and Rachelle Bijou read from their work. Rebecca Newth's poems have appeared in many magazines, including Fire Exit, Sumac, Poetry Now, Hanging Loose, Telephone and the American Literary Anthology. A book of poems called Xeme was published by Sumac Press, and a new book, Journey Whose Bones Are Mine, is due shortly from Truck Press.

Ann Lauterbach / produced by Susan Howe.

Poet Ann Lauterbach reads her work. Ann Lauterbach's work has appeared in numerous magazines, among them The Little Magazine, The Poetry Review, ZZZ, The Partisan Review, Heresies, and Roof 2. Her books of poems include Vertical Horizontal, Book One, and her most recent manuscript, Chalk.
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