
Helen Gahagan Douglas

Helen Gahagan Douglas, who ran against Richard Nixon in the 1950 Republican congressional primary, is interviewed by two unidentified interviewers. Topics include Douglas as a victim of Nixon's "dirty tricks," Nixon's 1950 smear tactics, and the necessity of election reform. Interview occurred during Watergate circa 1973.

Women and the New Right / produced by Helene Rosenbluth.

On Saturday, March 7, 1981, Los Angeles City College sponsored a day of panels celebrating International Women's Day. Erica Silverman of the Jewish Feminist Coalition and Cecily Kahn of the Southern California Anti-Klan Network spoke on the rise of the New Right.

Women of color : voices of resistance / produced by Miya Iwataki.

This mixture of music and poetry was produced for International Women's Day, 1982 by the Third World Women's Cultural Hour. Heard is the poetry of Miya Iwataki and Imani Wilkins, the music of Dolce de Priest[sp?] and Lisa Abe (with Warren Furutani), and Charlotte Heth and Babette Vasquez performing contemporary and traditional Indian songs. Produced by Miya Iwataki, KPFK, 1982.

An interview with Yuri Kochiyama / produced by Miya Iwataki.

On May 19, 1982, KPFK celebrated Malcolm X's birthday with special programming on the civil rights leader. As part of this celebration, Miya Iwataki conducted a telephone interview with Yuri Kochiyama about the impact of Malcolm X on Asians.

Our sheroes and heroes / Maya Angelou ; interviewed by Susan Anderson.

Recording contains Susan Anderson's 1976 interview with Maya Angelou, talking about her new book "Singin' and Swingin' and Gettin' Merry Like Christmas," her first friendship with a white woman, her sense of religion, her career, and her never ending sense of frustration with her writing.

Tar baby / Toni Morrison ; interviewed by Barbara Cady.

Author Toni Morrison (1931 - ) discusses her latest book, Tar Baby (Alfred A. Knopf, 1981) with KPFK's Barbara Cady. Morrison discusses class conflicts between Black people as one of the book's themes, her feelings about authors' personalities showing in their books, and about other Black women writers.

Psychic stress analysis of Patty Hearst / by Larry Atterbury

Unidentified interviewer talks with Larry Atterbury of KTTV Channel 11 Television in Los Angeles and Jim Barnes, who has performed a before-and-after psychological stress test on the voice of Patty Hearst based on two communiqués from the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA).

Pacific Asian women poets / produced by Helene Rosenbluth.

Members of the Pacific Asian American Women Writers West (PAAWW-W/CPOW) read their poetry: Momoko Iko, Sue Kunitomi Embrey, and Miya Iwataki; introductions by Joyce Nako. Produced by Helene Rosenbluth. Contains sensitive language. Broadcast on KPFK, 4 Mar. 1981. This is a truncated version of KZ0993.
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