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Trials (Political crimes and offenses) -- Chicago (Ill.).

This may not be a complete list of all recordings associated with this subject. Search the entire catalog here.
PRA Archive # Title Description Genre Broadcast Datesort ascending
BB4342 David Hilliard and Bobby Seale.

Talks by two Black Panther defendents about the Chicago 7 conspiracy trial.|DAVID HILLIARD AND...

WBAI, 28 Apr. 1970.
BB2408 William Kunstler in Los Angeles.

Chief counsel discusses his work at the Chicago Eight Conspiracy trial.

KPFK, 1 Mar. 1970.
BB2395 The Conspiracy trail in Chicago / Tom Hayden.

Talk on his experiences as a defendant in the Chicago Eight Conspiracy trials.

KPFA, 30 Dec. 1969.
BB2378 Being on trial is better than being in prison / Tom Hayden.

On his experiences as one of the Chicago Eight Conspiracy defendants.

KPFA, 28 Apr. 1970.
BC0130a Chicago conspiracy trial, part 1/ William Kunstler and Richard G. Schultz.

Defense attorney and assistant proescutor debate the guilt or innocence of the Chicago...

KPFA, 21 Oct. 1970.
BC0130b Chicago conspiracy trial, part 2/ William Kunstler and Richard G. Schultz.

Defense attorney and assistant proescutor debate the guilt or innocence of the Chicago...

KPFA, 21 Oct. 1970.
BB4101 Weinglass at the University of Texas.

Talk on his involvement in the Chicago Conspiracy trial.

KPFA, 1970.
BB5467 Chinese dinner with the Chicago conspiracy.


KPFA, 1969.
BB2409 Berkeley on trial / Tom Hayden ; introduced by Denny Smithson.

Defendant discusses his experiences at the Chicago Eight Conspiracy trial, and the Santa Barbara...

KPFA, 16 May 1970.
BB2354 The Neon oven / Abbie Hoffman ; interviewed by Stew Albert and Lincoln Bergman.

One of the Chicago Eight Conspiracy defendants discusses his experiences in the trial.|THE NEON...

KPFA, 13 Dec. 1969.
BB5468 Hamburger talk : the Chicago conspiracy trial.

Chicago conspiracy trial defendents discuss their imprisonment and their views of the trial...

KPFA, 12 Jan. 1970.
BB2392 Vietnam and the Chicago Conspiracy trial / Tom Hayden.

Speech on the Vietnam War and the political nature of the Chicago Conspiracy trials.

KPFA, 1 July 1970.
CSVTrials (Political crimes and offenses) -- Chicago (Ill.).