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Mayer, Milton Sanford, 1908-

This may not be a complete list of all recordings associated with this subject. Search the entire catalog here.
PRA Archive #sort descending Title Description Genre Broadcast Date
BB0543 The Tomb / by Milton Mayer ; read by John Ohliger.

Reading of a play.

KPFA, 1 Sept. 1961.
BB2150 A Kind word for the Russians : or another look at the Czech question / moderated by Milton Mayer.

Tamas Aczel and William Taubman discuss Soviet foreign policy since World War II.|A KIND WORD...

KPFA, 29 Dec. 1968.
BB2151 Obscenity : the American hang-up / moderated by Milton Mayer.

Richard Johnson, David Batchelder, and Isidore Silver discuss the American denial of sexuality...

KPFA, 23 Feb. 1969.
BB2329 Tenure / moderated by Milton Mayer.

Tom Yost and Joe Hicks discuss the problems with a tenure system in Universities.

KPFA, 26 May 1969.
BB4091 What the Indians can teach us / William Brandon ; interviewed by Milton Mayer.

Discussion of the role and importance of Indians in American society.

KPFA, 25 Jan. 1970.
BB4092 Will we go Nazi?

Gerard Bronthal, Isidore Silver, Milton Mayer, and Paul Savage discuss recent gains by the New...

KPFA, 30 Dec. 1969.
BB5263 Render unto Ceasar / Milton Mayer ; interviewed by Hallock Hoffman.

Author discusses his nonviolent battle to keep from paying Federal Income Tax.|RENDER UNTO...

KPFK, 20 July 1964.
CSVMayer, Milton Sanford, 1908-