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Marshall, Paule, 1929-

This may not be a complete list of all recordings associated with this subject. Search the entire catalog here.
PRA Archive # Title Description Genre Broadcast Datesort ascending
BB0506 The Black revolution and the white backlash / introduced by Wilbert Tatum.

David Susskind, Leroi Jones, Ruby Dee, Charles Silberman, Paule Marshall, John Killens, James...

WBAI, 24 June 1964.
BB5284 The Negro woman in American literature (Episode 2 of 12)

This program from the "Negro Writer's Vision of America" conference held April 23...

American Women -- Women of Color and discrimination, American Women -- Authors and journalists WBAI, 13 June 1965; KPFK, 23 Sept. 1965.
CSVMarshall, Paule, 1929-