This is the second tape from the teach-in on El Salvador held at KPFK, Los Angeles, March 1981. This portion contains a panel refuting the State Department's white paper. Panelists are Nancy Hollander, associate professor of history at Cal State Dominguez Hills; Carl Boggs, sociology professor at University of California, Los Angeles; Bill Bollinger, political science professor at University of California, Los Angeles; Sister Margarite Navarro, El Salvador Commission on Human Rights; and Norma Chinchilla, comparative cultures professor at University of California, Irvine. The panelists discuss the political position of El Salvador's junta, the involvement of the people there, the international "Communist conspiracy," and more. Produced by Helene Rosenbluth, Clare Spark, and Marc Cooper. Not self-contained. Includes music by Hui Cholos. Intro. Needs outro.
r.1. Gloria Tierney of Amnesty International, Congressman Tony Bielenson, journalist John Dingus, Lou Wolf of the Covert Action Information Bulletin, Senatorial aid Chris Champerlain (54 min.). -- r.2. Professor Nancy Hollander, sociologist Carl Boggs, political scientist Bill Bollinger, Norma Chinchilla, Sister Margarite Navarro of the El Salvador Commission on Human Rights (79 min.). -- r.3. Audience questions (41 min.). -- r.4. Los Angeles community organizations for El Salvador (45 min.).