From the Vault 374: Lillian Smith

Episode Title:
From the Vault 374: Lillian Smith
PRA Archive #: 

This week on From the Vault we bring you a recording from of one of the first prominent white southern women to denounce racial segregation, author Lillian Smith, reading from her 1964 book, Our Faces, Our Words. Although, probably best known for her stunning 1944 novel Strange Fruit, this human rights advocate spellbinds once again with her southern lyrical rhythm as she reads from her latest novel.

From the Vault is presented through the Pacifica Radio Archives Preservation and Access Project, funded in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, past grants from the Grammy Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the American Archive funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, along with the generous support of Pacifica Radio Listeners.

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RESTRICTED. Permissions, licensing requests, Curriculum Initiative, Campus Campaign and all other inquiries should be directed to: Mark Torres, Archives Director, 800-735-0230,
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